The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Light of Arab and Regional Changes (Arabic) Edited by Jamil Hilal

$ 12.00

The book includes papers presented by a number of authors during a seminar organized by the Institute of Palestine Studies in Larnaca, Cyprus, on April 28 & 29, 2012, under the title: "The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the light of Arab and Regional Changes". A group of invitees participated in the discussion. These papers include analyses by experts and observers specialized in the affairs of a number of the region's countries, with a special focus on the impact of popular uprisings on the Palestinian cause. Each paper can be read separately from the other, because it was written independently from the others, and with a differentiated approach governed by the methodology and intellectual and political vision of the author.

Therefore, the papers offer a preliminary reading of the popular revolts that erupted in the Arab world in 2011-2012 in the light of their implications on the Palestinian cause, putting off until a later time the discussion of the other dimensions of these revolts, including the socio-economic and cultural dimensions and their impact on the political environment and the regional (including the Israeli) and international strategy. These revolts are still in the throes of labor that might drag on for a long time without a clear end in sight.

Jamil Hilal is a sociologist and author. He wrote a number of books and articles. Following are some titles:"Israel's Economic Strategy for the Middle East""The Palestinian Political System after Oslo", and "The Formation of the Palestinian Elite". He also has many contributions in Arab and foreign periodicals. He is currently co-editor of "Majallat al-Dirasat al-Filastiniyah".

Year: 2013


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