Spring is Here : Embroidered Flowers of the Palestinian Spring by Tania Tamari Nasir and Mary Jabaji Tamari
$ 30.00
An Arabic/English publication featuring original embroidered designs of 23 Palestinian spring flowers with landscape photographs of the spring in Palestine accompanied by relevant literary texts, including poetry, on Palestinian flora. This new book is a must for all those who love flowers and embroidery.
"There is no end to the praise of flowers because it is a verse in our eulogy to the land. But flowers can say more eloquently than language how beautiful our country is, how worthy of love, of even more than it gives already, because it is so intensely ours and because it is so beautiful. Thus the pain of love is mixed with a desire to be lost in the beloved".
Excerpts from the introduction to Flowers of Palestine (Al-Qattan Foundation, 1997) by Mahmoud Darwish; translated from Arabic by Catherine Cobham.
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