Iran's Nuclear Program: The Israeli View of its Dimensions and Forms of Confrontation (Arabic) by Ahmad Khalifeh and Randa Haidar

$ 5.00

This booklet is the first of a new series on "Strategic issues: Israeli perspectives" started by the Institute for Palestine Studies to inform Arabic readers about various Israeli perspectives on issues that are of critical importance to the Hebrew state and community. It addresses a wide range of topics: security, economics, social, military, intellectual, etc. through the translation of researches and studies published by think tanks in Israel.

Some Israeli perspectives about the Iranian nuclear project have been collected in the booklet given the importance of this project and the interest it raises at the Israeli, regional and international levels. The reader will find answers to a number of related questions, most importantly: Does Iran really seek to acquire the nuclear bomb, or at least the military nuclear capability? If yes, what are the implications on the region's situation, security and policies? and on the security of US forces deployed in the region and US influence in the Middle East? What are the consequences on Israel's security and influence? and on the security and safety of oil flow to the world? Last but not least, does Israel really plan to attack Iran, and in this case, would it be able to thwart the Iranian nuclear program?

Ahmad Khalifeh is a senior research fellow in Hebrew at the Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS) Beirut office.

Randa Haidar Is the editor of "Mukhtarat min al-Suhuf al-Ibriyah", the daily bulletin published by the Institute for Palestine Studies.

Year: 2012


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