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كتاب كلمات مصور للأطفال الصغار. يحتوي على كلمات مألوفة تتكون من مقطع واحد مما يجعلها سهلة اللفظ والقراءة. الكلمات مصحوبة برسوم جميلة تعزز الفهم والمتعة والتذوق الفني عند الأطفال
A beginner's word book of one-syllable words that are easy to pronounce and read for young children and early readers. Illustrated by Ivy Nasir.
Palestine Publishing is dedicated to the publication of Arabic language children’s books that are developmentally appropriate and linguistically sound, to promote literacy and build appreciation of the beauty of Arabic language in young children.
Reading regularly to young children improves literacy and concentration and enhances learning. It creates invaluable opportunities for positive interaction between parents and children. It also helps children learn to love reading, which is important for lifelong learning. Setting aside some time every day to read to your children can be one of the most important investments you can make for their future success.
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