Occupier's Law: Israel and the West Bank (Revised Second Edition) by Raja Shehadeh

$ 17.95

In this study the author argues that the policy which Israel has been pursuing in the West Bank since 1967 is intended to drive out the Palestinians, to take over their land, and eventually to annex the occupied territories. The study describes the various methods of confiscation of Arab land, building of settlements, as well as legislative, judiciary, and military measures adopted by Israel.

Raja Shehadeh, a leading Palestinian lawyer and a graduate of the American University of Beirut was called to the English bar in 1976. He has since practiced law in Ramallah (West Bank) where he lives, and is founder of the pioneering Human Rights Organization, Al Haq - an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists. Shehadeh is author of several books on international law and human rights.

Year: 1985, 1988

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