Honey & Co: Chasing Smoke: Cooking Over Fire Around the Levant by Sarit Packer and Itamar Srulovich

$ 35.00

Award-winning duo Honey & Co present delicious Middle Eastern dishes to cook over fire or grill.


Join Sarit and Itamar on a journey filled with flavor and fire as they visit their favorite cities collecting recipes, stories, and the best of culinary culture along the way. Organized into five ingredient-led chapters (Fruit and Vegetables; Fish and Seafood; Chicken and Other Birds; Lamb, Beef and Pork; and Bread and other unmissables), it couldn't be easier to create a simple mouth-watering meal for two or a joyful feast for friends and family. The book also includes five city features on Alexandria, Egypt; Amman, Jordan; Acre, Israel; Izmir, Turkey; and Thessaloniki, Greece; all bursting with culinary inspiration.

Year: 2021

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