Birds of the Middle East: A Photographic Guide by Abdulrahman Al-Sirhan, Jens Eriksen, and Richard Porter

$ 24.00

The Middle East has a wonderfully broad and diverse avifauna, featuring a host of wintering and passage migrants, enigmatic and sometimes colourful breeders, and even a few endemics that occur nowhere else.

 The perfect companion for any wildlife-friendly visitor, Birds of the Middle East provides photographic coverage of more than 320 species that regularly occur in the region.

Concise text for each species includes information on identification, songs and calls, behaviour, distribution and habitat, with each photo having been carefully selected to guide identification. A guide to the best birdwatching sites in the Middle East is also included.

Portable yet authoritative, this is the perfect guide for travellers and birdwatchers visiting this spectacular and bird-rich slice of western Asia.

Richard Porter has been involved with birds in the Middle East since 1966 and is an adviser on bird conservation for BirdLife International. He is the author or co-author of several books on the Middle East and the groundbreaking Flight Identification of European Raptors.

AbdulRahman Al-Sirhan is a Kuwaiti birder, ornithologist and photographer. His passion for birds began at the age of 7, and he later set up a photography blog which featured his photos of birds in the region. AbdulRahman now leads guided bird tours in Kuwait and was also involved in the translation of the Helm Field Guide Birds of the Middle East into Arabic.

Jens Eriksen is a tour guide and photographer. Renowned as one of the premier birders in the region, he has a number of photographic titles covering the region's birds under his belt.

Year: 2022


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